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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court has proclaimed Thursday, June 15, as Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Hays County and encouraged citizens to reach out to elder citizens in need of help.

“These are vital and integral members of our society and their wisdom and experience have enriched our lives,” the proclamation issued by the Court states.

According to the proclamation, some 5 million – one in ten – elders each year in the United States suffer from abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Estimates indicate for every report of abuse, 24 reports are not made because elders can suffer from shame and fear. Elder abuse happens to men and women from all income levels, cultural and ethnic groups, health status and neighborhoods.

Anyone who believes an older and disabled person is being mistreated, or needs help to care for him- or herself, should contact 9-1-1 if the person is in immediate danger.

For other assistance, contact the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services at 1-800-458-9858.

For comprehensive information about services and support for older Americans and their caregivers in Hays County, please contact the Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area at: http://www.aaacap.org/. Additional information for Older Americans is at www.co.hays.tx.us/information-for-older-Americans.aspx.


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