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Hays County Commissioners Support State Proposition 1

Posted by Staff


Press Release provided by Hays County 

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court has unanimously endorsed a resolution in favor of educating Texans about the benefits of funding transportation infrastructure and the State’s Proposition 1, which would help fund road improvements without a tax increase if approved by voters in November.

“Building roads is expensive and we currently have no sustainable funding source for our myriad road issues,” said Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley. “Delaying construction will ultimately cost more in lives and dollars as well as frustration. Traveling will become even more difficult and time consuming in Central Texas. Repurposing oil and gas tax revenue is the best solution available and we as a Court encourage support for Proposition 1 in November.”

If approved, Proposition 1 would deposit half of the oil and gas tax revenue that currently goes to the Rainy Day Fund into the State Highway Fund to use for building and repairing roads. No money would be removed from the Rainy Day Fund, which would still collect the other half of the oil and gas tax revenue. The ballot measure is expected to add approximately $1.7 billion annually to the State Highway Fund, without any increase in taxes.

The resolution also supports “Move Texas Forward,” a nonprofit corporation that is driving education throughout the state on the need for transportation infrastructure to keep up with the Texas’ population and job growth. Texas is expected to add 18 million people by 2040, bringing more safety and mobility concerns to existing roads with no current funding to improve them or build additional roads.


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