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Hays County Seeks Artist To Paint Mural For Children’s Waiting Room At The Government Center

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra and District Attorney Wes Mau invite artists interested in volunteering their time to paint a mural in the children’s waiting room of the District Attorney’s Office in the Hays County Government Center to send in their ideas.

“There’s a big, blank wall that would be greatly enhanced by a children’s-themed mural to help entertain the young ones who are going through a difficult time,” Becerra said. “My office will supply paint and other materials needed.” The wall is approximately 14’10” long by 10’ high.

“In the best possible world we wouldn’t need to have children in our waiting room,” District Attorney Wes Mau said. “But, unfortunately, we often do. An interesting mural would help make their wait much more pleasant.”

Interested artists should send a rendering of their proposed mural to Judge Becerra’s office at 111 E. San Antonio St., Suite 300, San Marcos, TX, 78666, or email it to judge.becerra@co.hays.tx.us by 5 PM on April 30.


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