Hays County Sheriff’s Office Suspends Jail Visitation

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has approved a request from the Texas Commission of Jail Standards to suspend all jail visitations throughout the State of Texas in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19/Coronavirus within the jail population.

This suspension will remain in effect until it is terminated by the Office of the Governor.

Sheriff Gary Cutler will be implementing this immediately and says that the decision was the right thing to do in order to protect the health and safety of those incarcerated at the Hays County Jail and those throughout Texas.

All efforts will be made to allow attorney visitation so as not to impact the court system.

Attorneys will be screened prior to entry into the jail facility. Video visitation will not be interrupted, and it can be used until the order has been lifted.

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One Comment

  1. I just wish all the prisoners who got date of released or in parole to be released because they will be in danger especially those who in 50

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