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Hays County To Grow 464 Percent By 2050

AUSTIN – Texas is projected to roughly double in size between now and 2050, and Hays County is projected to be the fastest-growing county by percentage in the state, according to county-level data released by the Texas Office of the State Demographer.
According to the numbers, demographers project Hays County will grow by 464 percent by 2050, with more than 666,900 new residents swelling its population to 825,070 over the next 35 years.
Next in terms of percent growth is Collin County, north of Dallas, which demographers project will grow by 386 percent over the next 35 years, with the addition of more than 3 million residents growing its population from 782,341 to 3.8 million.
The Texas counties that encompass the state’s largest metropolises are projected to grow at a much slower rate than their bordering suburban counties.
For example, Travis County, in which Austin sits, is projected to grow by only 96.3 percent — far slower than Hays County at 464 percent.
The chart below shows the five fastest growing counties by 2050 ranked by percent change.
Texas Fastest Growing Counties by 2050 (Percent)
County                      2010 Population               2050 Population            % Of Change
Hays                                  157,107                                    824,070                          424.5%
Collin                                 782,341                                  3,801,840                         386.0%
Fort Bend                           585,375                                  2,738,553                         367.8%
Williamson                         422,679                                  1,976,958                         367.7%
Denton                              662,614                                   3,031,597                        357.5%

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