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HCWC And Local Team Wears Blue For Child Abuse Awareness Month

HCWC And Local Team Wears Blue For Child Abuse Awareness Month
April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month and today law enforcement, child protective services, forensic nurse examiner, victim services, prosecutor’s office and HCWC staff joined together for “Wear Blue” day to support local child abuse victims and their families. Nearly 30 members of Hays and Caldwell county multidisciplinary team attended a special luncheon to listen to a local parent of a child abuse survivor share her personal experience. 
The parent shared personal photos of her child and her family throughout the presentation to remind everyone that this was a real story involving a real child and a real family.  She told the group, “I lived in a bizarre world with friends and co-workers who just didn’t know what to do or what to say” and describing “how my child felt that SHE was responsible for what happened and was terrified of her abuser after telling what he did to her”. She also helped provide a unique insight as to the criminal justice response and offered her suggestions from the victim’s family point of view. She ended her discussion stating “through counseling, my child was able to understand that SHE didn’t do anything wrong. My child is now a survivor, strong and resilient and the best daughter a mother could ever hope for.”
Following the speaker’s presentation, Hays County District Attorney Wes Mau said, “It was an important message to remind us that real people are behind these crimes. We should always be considerate of their feelings and while justice in the court room is always a goal, we should always strive for victims to FEEL that justice has been served.” Team members gathered together for a photo to show the community they support victims of child abuse by wearing Blue to honor the children they work to protect. For ways to help victims of abuse in Hays and Caldwell County, join us at our upcoming Annual Auction on Saturday, April 18th at 6:00 pm at Texas State University, LBJ Ballroom. For tickets or to contribute to the auction, call 512-396-3404 or visit www.hcwc.org .


The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has a 38-year history of serving women, men and children in Hays and Caldwell Counties who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and child abuse. All HCWC services are free and confidential.  For more information please visit www.hcwc.org or call (512) 396-HELP.

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