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Health and Nutrition: The Myth Behind Modern Medicine

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<p>(Photo By: Sierra King)</p>
<p> <strong>BY: SIERRA KING, NUTRITION WRITER                                                                                                                               </strong></p>
<p> <a href=”https://twitter.com/SierraaKing” target=”_blank”>@SieraaKing</a></p>
<p>  </p>
<p> Many Americans talk to their physicians for health advice when there under the weather, had a stroke or have questions about disease. Some don’t realize that the reason why their sick or not feeling well is because of the lack of nutrients in their diet.<br>
In this day in age, people consult with their doctor to get <em>better</em> and then gets prescribed medicine causing more problems for the patient. Not many people know that the medicine doctors give their patients are actually harming our body more, causing the cycle of eliminating and detoxing to shut down the process. David Davis, Co Owner of Cornucopia says many people turn to medicine because that’s just what there used to, “Quick fix and lots of people don’t want to change their lifestyle.”<br>
Changing your lifestyle is hard but it’s even harder when you’re spending the rest of your life trying to get healthy by just using modern medicine. Kathy Dunham, Owner of Little Shoppe of Health, says that if you have heart problems you should switch to a veggie and fish diet to be able to reverse the disease. This diet will allow you to get the nutrients you need.<br>
Avoid the following:<br>
<li> <strong>Red Meat</strong></li>
<li> <strong>Dairy products</strong></li>
<li> <strong>Processed foods </strong></li>
<li> <strong>Diet and su</strong><strong>gar drinks</strong></li>
<li> <strong>Products that say they have no sugar</strong></li>
<p> <br>
The foods you find in the middle of your grocery store are all processed foods. These foods are detrimental to your body and mind. Later in life all the ingredients you find in those foods can cause Alzheimer’s, Dementia and even Parkinson’s. If you’re not able to get all the right nutrients you need from the foods you eat then take supplements to help the deficiencies. Davis and Dunham recommend Omega-3 and CoQ10 to help with your cardiovascular system and brain health. You can find these supplements at your local health foods store.<br>
One alternative to a healthier lifestyle is by going lactose, gluten and meat free. All dairy products are mucus forming food that can clog up your membranes, making it hard for your body to detox itself. When your body eliminates the mucus, it releases it through your nose and mouth as snot and through pimples.<br>
Gluten is very hard on the joints and ligaments causing you to be stiff while it eats away at the calcium in your bones. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle giving up gluten is recommended. Going vegan or vegetarian will help you be able to build your energy back up and lose all the poison you received from eating meat. A plant based diet will help to recover your body from all the harm it was put through when animal products were consumed. According to Dunham, another good tip to becoming heart healthy is not just by what you eat but “you have to get up and move.”<br>
Exercise and eating right is <em>key</em> when it comes to changing your lifestyle. When you start feeling better inside and out, your only regret will be,” Why didn’t I start sooner?”</p>

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