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Hill Country Alliance 12th Annual Photo Contest Kicks Off

The Texas Hill Country is a unique region of scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, star-filled skies, and historic towns. With a rapidly growing population and increasing development coming to the region…


The Texas Hill Country is a unique region of scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, star-filled skies, and historic towns.

With a rapidly growing population and increasing development coming to the region, many of these special qualities are at risk of being lost forever.

For their 12th annual photography contest, the Hill Country Alliance (HCA) asks photographers to take out their cameras and capture what is unique and special about the Texas Hill Country that they would like to conserve.

“We are looking for photography that captures The Texas Hill Country: The Place and Its People,” commented Katherine Romans, Executive Director of HCA. “Just as important to the fabric of the Hill Country as the flowing creeks, the open spaces, the starry night skies, and vibrant main streets, are its people. In addition to the incredible scenic and wildlife photos that define our love for this region, this year we would like to see images that feature the residents, the ranchers, the landowners and folks who enjoy, steward, and champion the Hill Country on a regular basis.”

The Photo Contest is open from March 1 through May 31, 2018. Photographers of all ages and skill levels, from amateurs to professionals, are invited to participate. Winners will receive cash prizes and their photos will appear in HCA’s 2019 Hill Country Calendar.

Entering the photo contest is easy. Photos can be submitted online in just a few minutes by visiting HCA’s website: www.hillcountryalliance.org/PhotoContest2018.

The annual Texas Hill Country Calendar features stunning photography from each year’s photo contest. The purpose of the calendar is to highlight the beauty of the region while providing an informative resource on Hill Country conservation.

HCA hopes their calendar will inspire people to learn more and become involved in the issues important to keeping the natural resources of this unique region intact.

The Hill Country Alliance is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support around the need to preserve the natural resources and heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country.

Visit them at www.hillcountryalliance.org


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