Hopkins Street Reconstruction Begins Today

The City of San Marcos Capital Improvements and Engineering Department announced they will begin construction on the Hopkins Street Improvements Project from Bishop to Moore Streets today, May 4.

The construction contractor for the project is Jordan Foster Construction of Austin.

“This strategic street improvement project has been in the works for years and we are enthusiastic about moving forward,” said Laurie Moyer, Director of Capital Improvements and Engineering. “This street will be a stunning, model example of a complete street concept, which preserves the environmental and historic integrity of the area while steadying traffic, improving drainage, and allowing safe pedestrian access.”  

The first phase of construction will start in the three blocks of Hopkins between Endicott Street and Johnson Avenue.

Traffic will be diverted to Craddock Avenue for the duration of the construction, with smaller detours for local traffic to Belvin or San Antonio Street.

Construction equipment will be stored on two City-owned lots between Hopkins and Belvin, in the 1500 block of each street.

This large infrastructure project will replace the existing water and wastewater structures, add a drainage system to improve stormwater runoff, and reconstruct the street with curbs and sidewalks.

Traffic-calming measures are included in the street design to reduce speeds and improve safety for this historic residential arterial. Construction is expected to be completed in 2022.

The projected cost for construction is $10,070,388. The City was awarded a $3,000,000 grant by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Transportation Policy Board for the project.

For more information on this project, please call the Capital Improvements and Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visitwww.sanmarcostx.gov/HopkinsStreetImprovements.

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