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Kids of All Ages Invited to Playscape Grand Opening

The grand opening will celebrate the completion of the new playscape, an accessible and inclusive place for children to play and exercise.

Kids (and kids at heart!) are invited to the grand opening of the new, inclusive playscape at Children’s Park Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m.  – 12 noon at 205 S. CM Allen Parkway.

The event will feature remarks from the Mayor and City Council Members at 9:30 a.m. followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony. After the ceremony, there will be playtime, giveaways and refreshments.

The public is encouraged to visit the booths that will be set up around the playscape to participate in themed activities and learn about various programs and amenities the City offers.


  • Parking at the playscape will be reserved for handicap-accessible use only. All other vehicles should park on street, at Rio Vista Park or park at City Hall or the Activity Center and ride a free shuttle.
  • Accessible shuttles are available from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will pick passengers up at City Hall, the San Marcos Activity Center, and the San Marcos Public Library.
  • No parking for this event is available at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

The grand opening will celebrate the completion of the new playscape, an accessible and inclusive place for children to play and exercise. The new design features a poured rubber safety surface, wide ramps throughout, a roller slide, 4 seat We-saw, Expression Swing, Liberty Swing, Omni Spinner, Team Swing, and a therapeutic seat on the Zip Krooze.

Construction began in January and finishing touches are underway this week. The new structures replace the old wooden playscape that had been a childhood tradition in the community for more than 25 years. The design reflects the City’s commitment to sustainability, using 112,430 pounds of plastic lumber made from 899,440 recycled milk jugs.

Volunteers helped paint the playscape during Spring Break, and local moms, kids and youth groups helped plant and spread mulch this week.

The $1.3 million playscape renovation, designed by Leathers and Associates, was funded through the City’s Capital Improvement Program with additional funds being provided through engraved fence picket sales, as well as individual and corporate sponsorships.

For more information or to inquire about additional sponsorship opportunities, contact the City of San Marcos Parks & Recreation Department at 512.393.8400.

About The City of San Marcos’ Parks and Recreation Dept.: The Parks and Recreation Department works to provide the citizens and visitors of San Marcos the highest level of programs, parks, facilities, and services that will positively enhance our vision of the community. The Parks and Recreation Department has a history of providing not only diverse and continuous programs for citizens and visitors alike but also excels in providing maintained parks such as Rio Vista park, educational centers such as the Discovery Center, and many more activities and resources for everyone in San Marcos.

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