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Leaving A Mark Through Spray Can Art: Seton, American Heart Association Artistically Mark World Stroke Awareness Day

WHAT:  Austin aerosol artist Nathan ‘SLOKE’ Nordstrom is creating a bold, 8’ x 8’ spray can art mural in partnership with Seton Healthcare Family and the American Heart Association. The goal is to foster awareness about stroke, the fifth leading cause of death and No. 1 cause of disability in the U.S.
The mural will display ‘F.A.S.T,’ the universal acronym for stroke symptoms ‘F’ stands for facial drooping, ‘A’ for arm weakness, ‘S’ for speech difficulty and ‘T’ for time to call 9-1-1. 
WHEN:  Thursday, October 29, 2015, at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Northside Circle Drive at Seton Medical Center Austin, 1201 W. 38th St., Austin.
Media should park in the Seton Austin garage on the south side of the hospital. From Lamar Blvd., turn west onto West 35th Street (one-way). Go straight at the stop sign. Garage is on left; hospital’s south entrance on right. Park in garage and come to south entrance; you will be escorted from there.
WHO:  Dr. Steven Warach, Medical Director, Seton Stroke Institute
          Ann Jerome, Executive Director, American Heart Association
          Stephen Wille, stroke survivor and UT Austin Sports Marketing professor
          Martha Black, stroke survivor
          Marcie Wilson, Seton Brain and Spine Institute
          Nathan ‘SLOKE’ Nordstrom, Aerosol Artist
          Dr. Jefferson Miley, Vascular and Interventional Neurologist, Seton Brain and Spine Institute
Stroke Facts (according to the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association):
  • In 2010, worldwide prevalence of stroke was 33 million, with 16.9 million people having a first stroke. Stroke was the second-leading global cause of death behind heart disease, accounting for 11.13% of total deaths worldwide.
  • Stroke is the No. 5 cause of death in the United States, killing nearly 129,000 people a year.
  • Stroke kills someone in the U.S. about once every four minutes.
  • African-Americans have nearly twice the risk for a first-ever stroke than Caucasians, and a much higher death rate from stroke.
  • Over the past 10 years, the death rate from stroke has fallen about 35 percent and the number of stroke deaths has dropped about 21 percent.
  • About 795,000 people have a stroke every year in the U.S.
  • Someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40 seconds.
  • Stroke causes 1 of every 20 deaths in the U.S.
  • Stroke is a leading cause of disability.
  • Stroke is the leading preventable cause of disability.

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