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Letter to the Editor: Primary Election filing is here!

Your input sought for League of Women Voters Hays

Sheryl Davis | Author Co-VP of Voter Services | League of Women Voters of Hays County

It may be heresy for a card-carrying member of the League of Women Voters (LWV) to admit that I could use a break from elections. Believe it or not, the Primary Election Cycle is upon us and that means the LWV of Hays County must be ready for February 14th when Early Voting begins. We need to learn what is on your mind. Our crystal ball is out for maintenance, so no vacation for us.

In our commitment to voter education, the League prepares printed Voter Guides and an online guide at VOTE411.org for every election. We also hold candidate forums with the next planned for February 2022. To do a good job for you, the voter, we need your help to prepare timely and relevant questions. We listen to what you care about and prepare questions that are submitted to all candidates. This is your opportunity to let the League know issues of most importance to you.

The following races, if contested, will be covered by the digital VOTE411, the printed Voters Guide and forums:

  1. County Judge
  2. Commissioners, Precincts 2 & 4.
  3. Judge – County Courts-at-Law #1, #2, #3
  4. Justice of the Peace, Precincts 1,2,3,4,5
  5. District Clerk
  6. County Clerk
  7. County Treasurer
  8. County Surveyor
  9. State Senator, District 25
  10. State Representative, District 45

Candidate filing is now open and closes Monday, December 13th. Please email questions by that date to:
• lwvhaysco@gmail.com
• On the subject line indicate the name of the race and the word “Questions”
• All candidates in the race will be posed the same questions.

VOTE411 will be available in late January with the printed Voters Guide available the first week of February for early voting commencing February 14th. Let us hear your voice!

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