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Letter To The Editor: Proud To Support The GSMP

Dear Editor,
I am certain that most of us have been to rural parts of Texas where we see communities shrinking, withering and dying due to out-migration of its youth not due to choice but of necessity. The Old Timers would like nothing better than its youth to stay where they grew up, not only so they can be close to their youthful families but also to know the community they helped build remain vibrant and attractive.
As I’ve grown older I have come to realize I want the same thing – to have my children, grandchildren and all my family to remain close to their birthplace, so we can enjoy each other’s company especially during holidays, birthdays and special events. However, I know that in order to prosper and take care of their families they need to go to where there are jobs – living wage jobs. This scenario is replayed by numerous San Marcos family units year in and year out.
In my younger years, I was very active in the community, civic clubs, officer of numerous PTAs, President of the Football booster and Band Booster clubs, father of a high school cheerleader and an elected official. I love my family and I love my community; having invested many personal hours in community service. I gave time so my family and my community could have a better future.
As city councilman and Mayor we worked to have San Marcos grow in our environmental sensitive habitat, our University and the business community. I lived through numerous efforts of our local chamber of commerce, various efforts by economic development organizations that started with a fanfare and made valiant efforts at growing our business community. We did have some major successes such as Mensor, Thermon, Butler Manufacturing, C-Fan and the McCoy Corporation. However, they were far and in between the high tech and manufacturing employment engines needed in San Marcos.
I have observed since the creation of the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) there has been a cohesive campaign orchestrated with a professional flair that has started to produce avenues of successful job creations. This public private partnership is a new venture in San Marcos that should be preserved; our city council needs to continue funding the GSMP at the same level if not an increased level so our youth can make a choice of staying in their hometown and being able to prosper, buy their homes and contribute to our community. If you don’t grow, you die.
It is my hope that city council members Hughson, Scott, Thomaides and Prewitt, will have a change of heart and do what is best for the entire community of San Marcos by not reducing the funding to the GSMP. The GSMP has produced results for our community and their fruits of labor are contributing to successes that have taken place to date. The GSMP has become a model to be followed by other communities throughout the state of Texas. It has been a big win! For the city of San Marcos. One, I’m proud to support!
Frank Arredondo
San Marcos, Texas

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