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Little Guys Movers Delivers Thanksgiving Meals For Families In Need

Thanksgiving is called “turkey day” for a reason — it’s just not quite the same without that big bird at the center of the table. That’s the sentiment that led to Turkeys Tackling Hunger…

Thanksgiving is called “turkey day” for a reason — it’s just not quite the same without that big bird at the center of the table. That’s the sentiment that led to Turkeys Tackling Hunger, the Hays County Food Bank’s yearly initiative to provide low-income residents with all the fixings for a home-cooked holiday meal.

For the past five years, Little Guys Movers in San Marcos has donated its time and manpower to deliver and distribute these turkey dinners to qualified families in need. It only takes $30 to fill one family’s dinner table, but it truly takes a village to make it all happen.

Individuals, schools, churches, and organizations spend months raising funds and gathering food for Turkeys Tackling Hunger. Once all of the food is purchased or collected, Title Sponsor Night Hawk Frozen Foods donates their resources to assemble the boxes, which are then distributed to Hays County families by volunteers like Little Guys Movers.

“It’s a good way to be involved in the community, and we love helping out families in need during the holiday season,” says Little Guys Movers San Marcos Store Manager Matt Yates. “We’re estimating around 50,000 pounds of food will be passed out this year.”

If you’d like to donate to Turkeys Tackling Hunger, visit https://www.haysfoodbank.org/ or contact the Hays County Food Bank at info@haysfoodbank.org.

Little Guys Movers is a professional moving company established in 1992 with locations in seven states. Little Guys Movers provides moving and packing services for local, long distance, corporate, and residential moves.

The Hays County Food Bank was founded in 1984 with the goal of serving hungry people in San Marcos, and it has since grown to serve the entire county. The Hays County Food Bank is passionately committed to improving lives through food assistance programs, nutrition education, and advocacy. To learn more, visit haysfoodbank.org.


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