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Living Outside The Lines: “Chanclas For Kenya”

One minute there is a friendly argument going on, next someone hollers, “My money is on Becky!”

by, Becky j Miller

What happens when a group of friends gather for dinner and two happily married, but highly competitive firstborns start trash talking about whom beat who in each of the half marathons they’ve run together? From there, using their individual race victories, speculation starts on who will cross the finish line first at the upcoming Air Force Half Marathon held at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

One minute there is a friendly argument going on, next someone hollers, “My money is on Becky!” The situation really escalates when my husband says, “Words don’t mean nothin’ until there’s money on the table.” Slap!! A $20 bill is thrown down with the declaration that a certain female writer will win. Never one to walk away from a challenge, my husband fresh from a Kenyan mission trip for Breathe International, seizes the opportunity for a fundraiser.

While in country and visiting schools, my husband and brother noticed many of the children wearing the required uniforms, but with bare feet. Saddened at the thought of children attending schools without footwear, they created a plan to buy, “Chanclas for Kenya.” The running competition provides the perfect opportunity to support their vision.

By night’s end, there was $60 on the table; with the gals coughing up $40 for me and the guys parting with $20 for him. Since then approximately $500 has been pledged with bets pretty evenly divided between the two of us. Understandably, some of our friends didn’t want to choose, so they gave to the cause without taking sides, and that’s okay. As long as the kiddos get shoes for school, does it really matter who wins the race?   

Since the race occurred in the past, the outcome is now known. Finishing in 2:20, Becky crossed first, with James trailing by about 21 minutes.  The brutal truth? The times for both of us sucked!! Moving to a new town not only upset all the apples in our cart, but also completely interfered with our training. Guess what though, we both crossed the finish line which means a whole community of children will get shoes for school, and that is what really matters.

While it’s too late to take bets on who will finish first, it’s not too late to be part of purchasing “Chanclas for Kenya”!! Follow this link to give, http://breatheinternational.com/donate/, and remember, all donations are 100% tax deductible. 

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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