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Living Outside The Lines: “Choking On My Pride”

For reasons unbeknownst to me, she offered her services in my home, no charge. It was a gift she presented and I graciously accepted.

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

Whether we choose to admit it or not, many of us struggle with pride. The root issue lies not in the pride itself, but in how we deal with that pride. Do we bypass opportunities because we allow our pride to dictate our actions? Or, do we take control of our pride rather than allowing it to control us?

Haircuts can be expensive. For several years I endured not having a regular, trustworthy stylist. Rather than spending money for quality service, I frequented Fantastic Sam’s, allowing whomever was available, to cut my hair, simply for their low prices. More than once I left the salon frustrated.

Then, for maybe a year, I had the incredible gift of my own personal stylist. For reasons unbeknownst to me, she offered her services in my home, no charge. It was a gift she presented and I graciously accepted. Come on y’all, personal stylist’ who make home visits are generally only found on, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” I am neither rich nor famous, but I sure enjoyed how great my hair looked during that time, along with the lack of strain on my budget.

Eventually my stylist relocated. #bigsigh After she moved away, I decided my days of random, rotating stylists were OVER! Instead, I made an appointment at JCPenney Styling Salon and paid $35 for a hair cut. Ouch! Keep in mind; this was over ten years, husband in full time ministry with an unstable paycheck, and still raising three kids, ago.

My naturally curly, all one length hair, only needs trimmed about once every three months, but paying $35 for a mere trim is cringe worthy for pretty much anyone. So, the inevitable time for a salon visit was upon me, but unwilling to depart with our hard-earned cash, I kept putting off making an appointment.

Around that time I ran a local 5K. After the race, there were drawings for door-prizes. Can anyone guess what I won?? A $25 gift certificate to a hair salon!! It stands to reason I would be excited, right?!?! I needed a haircut, didn’t want to spend the money, and now I didn’t have to. Wrong. I was not happy, at all. “Adapts easily to change” is not a character trait that was bestowed upon me at birth, so I walked around with my split ends, hoping no one would notice.

Eventually I decided I’d put off the inevitable long enough. I broke down and called, nope, not the salon offering the free haircut, but my regular stylist. She was booked until the next week, so I had a bit of time to contemplate my decision. Was paying $35 for a haircut when a free one was at my disposal, good use of our resources? Probably not, but in order to use the free haircut, I had to travel far, far away from my comfort zone.

Never one to just jump in blindly, I opted for a salon drive-by. #bigmistake Imagine my horror at discovering that to take advantage of the free haircut, required visiting a stranger’s home! The space wasn’t even in a “real” salon?!?! Talk about uncomfortable, EEK!!

Finally I found my big girl panties, and booked an appointment for the free haircut. Unwilling to give up my lifeline though, I didn’t cancel the upcoming booking with my regular stylist, just in case…Don’t judge me, everyone loses their courage occasionally.

Guess what??? All of that drama was unnecessary. The salon wasn’t really in someone’s house, instead it was an enclosed garage with a separate entrance. The stylist was very personable, making me immediately comfortable. She had some knowledge and experience with curly hair, plus the cut cost only $15, which left $10 to put towards a prom up do for my daughter.

That day was a win. The score was recorded, Becky 1 – Pride 0. Have no fear though, I’ve no doubt life will continue to present many more opportunities for me to swallow my pride.

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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