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Living Outside The Lines: “Christmas In July”

No matter your opinion on Christmas in July we can all benefit from the lessons Buddy the Elf brings us, and they are applicable all year through.

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

Today is July 26, which for anyone counting means Christmas arrives in a mere 164 days. Gross. Living in an unfinished house with half of my worldly possessions still in storage, I want no part of Christmas. Lest my world be completely crushed by bitter disappointment, I dare not even hope to be living a somewhat normal life by then.  

Honestly, “Christmas in July” seems a marketing scheme instituted by retailers to help them get through the mid year sales slump. Think about it, if retailers cause consumers to begin thinking about Christmas and spending money early, their bottom line becomes a lot healthier.  

No matter your opinion on Christmas in July we can all benefit from the lessons Buddy the Elf brings us, and they are applicable all year through. He may seem like a buffoon, but perhaps we’d all be just a little bit happier if we approached life from Buddy’s perspective.

Spinning doors are da bomb” – Come on, don’t be ashamed to admit it, spinning doors make you giggle, or at the very least crack a smile. Every time I enter or exit one, I feel like a silly little schoolgirl on a merry-go-round. They’re fun.

Beautifully decorated Christmas trees never lose their appeal” – There is just something about a twinkling tree that leaves tree gazers standing in awe struck wonder, with mouths gaping open.

Always sneak a kiss on an ice skating date” – Cold, crisp air seems to increase the desire to be amorous. Add a fun, carefree activity like ice-skating coupled with mittens, wool caps plus cold noses, and no one could resist a warm kiss.

Jack in the Boxes are scary” – Let’s face it, Jack is really a clown, and the horror movie IT proved clowns are scary. Stuff them in a box, with a turn crank that allows to them pop up unexpectedly? Someone is bound to either pee his or her pants or go into cardiac arrest. 

True love overcomes all, even learning your kid is an elf ” – This one is actually pretty deep. We all experience unanticipated circumstances, but even the most difficult ones can be overcome if we allow love rather than emotions to guide us.

Vegetables are vulnerable” – I guess….Well, if you consider they have no say so in when they are plucked from the earth, who takes them home, how they are stored or consumed, then I’d have to agree, vegetables are indeed vulnerable.

South Pole elves have rather nasty attitudes” – In my world, the moniker “South Pole Elf” has become synonymous with anyone who might be behaving badly. It is used generously.

Etch A Sketch is a totally acceptable means of communication” – Think about it….you and your best friend have a fight and are no longer speaking. If he or she were to show up and present an apology with words drawn on an Etch A Sketch, you’re going to forgive them. You have to; it’s an Etch A Sketch, i.e., guaranteed to bring a smile.

Chewing ABC gum won’t kill you” – While sampling ABC gum may not be terminal, it is definitely NASTY!! Don’t do it, ever! And if you do, forget all about sneaking a kiss while ice-skating.

Central Park Rangers are Anti-Santa and Anti-Christmas” – Maybe they all had terrible childhoods, or perhaps it comes with the territory of being New Yorkers, but the Central Park Rangers are definitely bad@$$ and should not be tangled with, under any circumstances. #donotdoit

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear” Oh just try it. Randomly burst into “Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh..” just to see who is crazy, or uninhibited enough to join you!

We all have a story to tell, and we never know when that story could change everything” Your story is uniquely your own, but sharing it may bring freedom to someone else who desperately needs it. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. You are important. Your life can impact others. Your experiences may hold the key to unlock a door that has kept someone else from their own liberty. #youneverknow

Reindeer can’t fly without a little help” Have you ever seen reindeer fly? Well, maybe it’s because you lack sufficient Christmas spirit to motive them.

And the absolute most important lesson we can learn from Buddy???

“Santa is Real” – Don’t believe me?? Then December 25 will be one sad, sad day. #nopresentsforyou

Who knew that a seemingly ridiculous, oversized, unconventional elf could teach us so much?

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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