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Living Outside the Lines: Don’t Like Texas Weather? Wait a Minute, It Will Change

Texans are fiercely loyal. We love our state and everything about it. We love our Dallas Cowboys, our Houston Texans, our San Antonio Spurs, our Dallas Mavericks, our Texas…

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

Texans are fiercely loyal. We love our state and everything about it. We love our Dallas Cowboys, our Houston Texans, our San Antonio Spurs, our Dallas Mavericks, our Texas Rangers, our Houston Astros, our Dallas Stars, our Texas A&M Aggies (WHOOP – GIG’EM), our University of Texas Longhorns, our Bluebonnets, our beaches, our Blue Bell ice cream, and our climate.

Hmmm….well…maybe, the overall climate, but not always the daily weather. Texas summers are scorchers, where temperatures may hover in the 100’s. Temperatures bouncing off the blacktop parking lot may be even hotter. It is not uncommon to break a sweat simply leaving work for lunch.

It is also not unusual for Texans to wear shorts, flip-flops and sandals year round.  Personally I adhere to a strict “no white shoes/jeans or any sandals after Labor Day or before Easter” policy. The fashion rule is a throw back to my proper Southern upbringing, and while it is no longer relevant in 2018, it still makes me happy. I try really hard not to judge those who fail to live by this antiquated standard, but if you find me gawking at your flip-flop shod feet in January, please just ignore me.

While this transplanted Texan enjoys the rare days that temperatures drop to the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, I find myself huddling strangely alone beside the fireplace. Texans do not like to be cold, and because a lightweight hoodie will suffice for warmth on most “winter” days, many Texans don’t even own proper coats.

This year when temperatures in South Texas plummeted and stayed there for almost two weeks, a co-worker lamented his lack of a proper coat. Seeing the forecast of soon to arrive colder temperatures, he’d tried to order a coat online, but ironically, winter freezes across the nation delayed shipment.

Whereas I love wearing shorts and tank tops as much as the next person, I also enjoy my running tights, sweatshirts, half-zip pullovers, cardigan and pull over sweaters, long sleeves and assorted jackets. One can’t expect a professed shop-a-holic not to own a plethora of clothes for all seasons, right? It makes me sad when all of my favorites don’t get equal opportunities for wear.

No doubt Texans have not cornered the crazy, unpredictable weather market, but we do have our fair share. It is really difficult to dress when morning temperatures start off in the sub-30’s, rise over 40 degrees, and hit the high 70’s by mid afternoon. Its Eskimo attire to the office and pack mule carrying it all home after work.

Let’s not forget about the decade, probably 1987, when it snowed for Easter. One day my sister in law and I are sunbathing in the backyard and the next we’re sporting sunburns while there is snow on the ground. Fortunately Texas weather is rarely that extreme, but it can still change drastically in just a few minutes.

THIS ONE PHRASE COMPLETELY ENCAPSULATES TEXAS weather, “Chili today and hot tamale.” And if you are unhappy with it, wait a second, it’s liable to change.

Until Next Time,
Becky J. Miller
“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle


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