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Living Outside The Lines: “Drama in a Chinese Hair Salon”

by, Becky J Miller

  Exclusive to SM Corridor News


Going to a new hairdresser can be a frightening experience, particularly if you have naturally curly hair. Not all hairdressers are accustomed to handling curly hair, and one wrong move could spell disaster. Add a foreign country and a communication barrier to the mix and well….keep reading, you’ll understand.


Several years ago I visited China with a group of students from Texas State. Hair salons in China are open late, so on our last night, some of us decided to experience a Chinese hair washing. For approximately $4 clients are treated to a relaxing hair wash, uncomfortable ear washing, face, neck, shoulder/arm massage and then a blow-dry and style.


Like most businesses in the area the salon was small, run down and crowded. We were led to a dark, dank, sour smelling room and told to lie down on a table with a sink attached to the end.


The hair washing ritual lasts about an hour and starts with a eucalyptus/lemon scented substance that is used to massage the forehead/temple area. Next comes the hair scrubbing. Never has my hair been washed so thoroughly.


The texture of American hair is very different than Chinese hair. One student’s hair, which was just above waist length long, got pretty tangled up in the process. It took a second stylist an additional 20 minutes to untangle her locks.


Following the hair wash was an ear wash which most of us found rather uncomfortable; fingers of strange men don’t belong in my ears. Even worse was the cotton swab drying process. It took every ounce of self-control to not slap away the hand that was drying my ear.


I prayed that the torture process would end quickly. Relief followed in the form of a neck/shoulder and back massage.  Ahhhh.


The fun really began after all of the hair washing and back massaging was complete. I set off on this adventure for the sole purpose of having my curly tresses blown straight. The stylist in charge of my hair had other ideas.


Curly hair is non-existent in Asian culture so I guess they’ve no idea how to manage it. The gentleman brought out a bottle of conditioner that I assumed was detangler. It didn’t take me long to realize he had no intention of drying my hair.


Given the circumstances, I did what anyone unable to speak the language would do, I gestured towards the hair dryer. The message was received but only in part, he grabbed a dryer, but attached a diffuser. Wrong again!


Trying again to communicate my desire, I gestured that I wanted my hair straight. He mimicked my gesture and then realizing what I wanted erupted into Chinese shouting that had all the salon employees speaking/laughing loudly. Apparently straightening curly hair provides shocking entertainment in China.



No kidding, it took six stylists to straighten my hair. First I was led back to the scary room to have the conditioner rinsed out of my hair. Then a new stylist began drying my hair. When he grew weary another took over. They pulled the flat irons out of storage (none of the other team members were treated to flat irons) and used not one, but two irons, operated by two different stylists, to fix my hair.


Finally, my hair was straight. Despite all the drama, I was very pleased with the end results, and I am quite sure they were relieved to be rid of my curly hair and demanding request.


Just for fun, should I ever return to China, I think I’ll repeat the process.


Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

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