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Living Outside The Lines: Feels Like Home

My shopping addiction is no secret; however, it is still embarrassing when friends stop by to see the progress made and there, on full exhibit, with no doors to hide behind are my wardrobe and shoes, resplendent in all their glory…

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

When my kids were younger Homeward Bound was one of their favorite movies. It’s about two dogs and a cat that try to find their way home after being left with relatives while the family is on vacation. An oft’ repeated line from the movie, “Home is just over that mountain,” found its way into my psyche/vocabulary and occasionally resurfaces in our day to day rhythm.

Relocating to Beeville sixteen months ago, the plan was to reside in a hotel for three months while some remodeling work was completed on the church parsonage where we would live. Three months turned into fourteen months. We then relocated from a hotel to an RV, for what was supposed to be two weeks. Two weeks extended to six before finally, the house was inhabitable.

We endured those frustrating months with the mantra, “Home is just over that mountain.”  And it literally was, but just how long it would take to get over the mountain, or the number of setbacks we’d encounter, no one could have known.

The hope was for the house to have a functioning bathroom by Mother’s Day so our children could stay with us, it was heartbreaking when that plan did not come to fruition. I did get to see all three of our children plus our future daughter-in-love that weekend, but not in the way I’d hoped.

May 16 we slept in our new home for the first time ever, and in our own bed with our own sheets for the first time in sixteen months. My husband has tried to make us as comfortable as possible, bringing along with our bed, two dressers, nightstands, my full length mirror, his desk and office chair, a recliner, the t.v., our washer and dryer, and a few other small things. While it is definitely gratifying to finally be in the house, there is still much to be done.

Currently, we are living in approximately 350 square feet of a 1900 square foot home, which translates into two bedrooms and one bathroom. The bedroom floors have new carpet, and one bathroom has tile while the remainder of the floors are bare cement. I giggle each time my husbands says, “We need to mop the cement.” It is surprising how much dust exists in an almost empty house.

The bedrooms do at least have doors, albeit mismatched old ones, while the closets have none. My shopping addiction is no secret; however, it is still embarrassing when friends stop by to see the progress made and there, on full exhibit, with no doors to hide behind are my wardrobe and shoes, resplendent in all their glory.

The bathroom has no door, which makes carrying out one’s business, just a bit awkward. My husband has the luxury of being home alone while I’m at work. I, on the other hand, must shout out a warning whenever I desire bathroom privacy.

Our kitchen stands empty, home only to bare walls, bare floors and two doggie bowls. The refrigerator we brought from our former home decided after a sixteen months in storage, that it isn’t really too keen on keeping food and beverages cold. We have a small “college style” refrigerator, but it was once used for cold wine storage and isn’t excited about returning to the menial task of food storage.

If only we’d bought the pink yeti cooler when it was still available, my husband wouldn’t be forced into making daily trips for ice. Our thirty something year old Playmate cooler turns a 10-pound bag of ice into fresh water in less than twenty-four hours.

Don’t even ask about our diet. It consists mostly of, “eat whatever you can grab.” My shopping addiction includes purchases of multi-flavored protein bars, so no one goes hungry, even if our palates remain unsatisfied.

Missing in action, despite a deep excursion into the storage sheds, are two pairs of white jeans, one pair of yellow jeans, and a pair of white capris. No biggie. After all, who needs summer pants in one hundred degree temperatures??  I can sweat it out in black or navy blue capris and regular jeans, right?

While the misadventure continues, we are finally home. Had this move come with full disclosure, I certainly would not have chosen this path, yet I am grateful for the progress made.

Until Next Time,
Becky J Miller
“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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