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Living Outside The Lines: Stir Up The Campbell’s, Soup Is Good Food

I despise working on Saturdays, but no matter how poorly I felt, I really needed to go into the office. So, I guzzled orange juice, swallowed Tylenol, made myself presentable, and headed out the door.

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News


Many of us possess a special skill that sets us apart from the crowd. Some people enjoy uncanny mathematical skills, others are talented musicians or gifted athletes, and still some, like me, have the useless ability to instantly recall commercial jingles from decades ago.

Although this unique skill may seem pointless to some, as a writer always looking for column fodder, it often comes in handy. For example, I’ve felt under the weather for several weeks now. The night before writing this column, a new symptom hit, inexplicable body aches. Despite taking Nyquil before bedtime, I didn’t feel any better in the morning. I despise working on Saturdays, but no matter how poorly I felt, I really needed to go into the office. So, I guzzled orange juice, swallowed Tylenol, made myself presentable, and headed out the door.

The entire three hours I worked, all I could think about was getting home and fixing myself a bowl of Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Noodle soup. It worked too!!! That warm & savory broth was like a salve to my aching body.

I couldn’t say exactly when the “soup shift” occurred. I’m sure we occasionally fed our kids canned soup; clam chowder with blueberry muffins was a favorite of theirs, but most nights dinner didn’t come from a can or package. As empty nesters though, soup has become a staple. These days we keep the cabinets stocked with several different flavors. It’s quick, easy, tasty, and except for the sodium, relatively healthy.

In 2017, Americans spent $397.1 million just on Campbell’s Chunky Soup (all flavors). Taking into account all wet soup sales, totals exceed $1365.5 million in sales! So, it seems grandma and the 1980’s commercial had it right, soup is good food, other wise why would we spend so much money on it?

Of course, homemade soups are the best. My all time favorite is tortilla soup, which I used to fix regularly for my family, but these days, it seems like a lot of work for just the two of us. My husband still fixes a mean pot of chili, even if his doesn’t have as much garlic as I like.  :-D   I sure do miss my mother in law’s Albondigas (Mexican meatball) soup. Mmm mmm mmm  And a hearty bowl of old fashioned beef stew, ahhh.

Did you know that there is scientific data supporting the claim that soup is good for you? Soup can help with weight loss, warm a body from the inside, and boost immunity, all for about $2 per can. That cost is significantly less than the $5.79 for a McDonald’s quarter pounder with cheese meal. Plus soup has less calories and fat, more protein and depending on type, vegetables!!!  #bettercomfortfood

With the unusually cold winter Texas is experiencing, now is as good a time as any to test the “soup is good food theory”. Who knows, you might find yourself just a little better equipped to face all life throws your way.

Until Next Time,
Becky J. Miller
“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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