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Living Outside The Lines: The Magic Of Theme Parks

From South Carolina to Florida to Texas and beyond, theme parks bring out the kid in all of us. And well, somehow, I believe they make the world a better place.

By, Becky J Miller


Growing up with two sets grandparents each living approximately an hour from Walt Disney World meant I was exposed to Mickey and all of his friends at a very young age. I believe the thrill of time spent at the park may have permanently created in me a Peter Pan type spirit. I’ve only met one theme park, Knots Berry Farm in California, that I didn’t like. It may have been upgraded in the years since our visit, but at the time, it seemed very old and rundown.

In my mind at least, every Christmas and summer we traveled from South Carolina to Florida to see my grandparents. We did not visit Walt Disney World every year, but often enough that memories of the Jungle Cruise’ water spitting elephants, stomach churning Mad Tea Cups, chilling darkness of Space Mountain, my sister’s screams in the Pirates of the Caribbean, high flying Dumbo, annoyingly catchy tune of It’s a Small World, and the scary ghost from the Haunted House who accompanied me home, are forever more emblazoned on my brain.

And there was Carowinds, the theme park of my early teenage years. Situated on Interstate 77, right on the North Carolina/South Carolina border, the park actually has two addresses; Charlotte, North Carolina and Fort Mill, South Carolina. I vividly recall standing in the park, where the states divide, with one foot in NC and one in SC. Being in two locations at once was pretty cool!!

My cousin’s husband took my sister and I to Busch Gardens in Tampa. I remember seeing the ginormous beer vats and wondering if swimming was permitted. J Beer is yucky to drink, unless it is the first sip of my husband’s dressed brew, but somehow swimming in it seemed fun. I believe my trips there also fueled my desire to visit Africa (the Dark Continent), which I eventually did.

Cypress Gardens, located in Winter Haven Florida closed in 2009, but not before making a mark on my psyche. That park was home to breathtaking flowers, stunning women strolling about dressed as Southern Belles, and daring water ski shows. Undoubtedly the adventuresome skiers fueled my passion to master water skiing. Although I my skiing skills dull in comparison, I am proud to say I am at least able to don skis, get up out of the water, and stay afloat.

Connie, my favorite aunt (shhh!) who is only four years older than me, made numerous trips to Adventure Island to keep her only nieces entertained. Later, after I married, my husband accompanied us. Best memory there??? My husband screaming like a little girl as he descended a very steep water slide. I’m pretty sure the lining of his swim trunks ended up in places it ought not go.

One summer, my sister in law, her husband and their three daughters joined my husband, our three kids and I on a trip to California. The highlight of the trip was a day at Disney Land in Anaheim. Compared to Disney World in Orlando, the park itself was a bit of a let down, but the memories themselves are priceless. At the time, the six cousins ranged in age from 14 to 5 years old. Keeping up with the kiddos was surprisingly easy; it was my 6’3” African American brother-in-law who kept getting lost. Who loses a tall black man? To this day it’s a running family joke.

After moving to San Marcos in 2004, we purchased season passes to Six Flags over San Antonio, AKA Fiesta Texas. Our favorite activity was, and still is, the waterpark. For two summers, we took our kids to Fiesta Texas almost every other week. We started at the water park and used the rides in the rest of the park afterwards for drying off. Needless to say, I had a great tan those summers!!

Last summer, with the kids all grown, we again bought season passes to Six Flags. My brother had purchased tickets for his family and we wanted to spend time with our two adorable nephews. Guess what though?? We realized how much fun we’d missed and kept going, all season, just the two of us!

I don’t believe there are laws prohibiting adults with no children from enjoying theme parks. If there are, they should be abolished!! Currently I’ve only one real complaint; the park toilet paper is only one ply!! Oh, and the newest water park ride seriously requires riders to step on a scale before boarding. #yikes

From South Carolina to Florida to Texas and beyond, theme parks bring out the kid in all of us. And well, somehow, I believe they make the world a better place.

Thanks Mickey!!!

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller ~ Warrior Princess

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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