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Living Outside The Lines: “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”

by, Becky J. Miller
Exclusive to SM Corridor News
Without friends, where would we be in this crazy, hectic, seesaw of an adventure we often refer to as life? We would be lost, alone, and I would have no content or inspiration for this column.
Last week was insanely busy, so busy that prior to Saturday I had not a spare moment to sit and work on my columns. Sadly, once I did have time to sit, my creativity did not care to join me.
Staring at a blank computer screen, I opted to do what any normal person would, distract myself on Facebook. I posted this status, “When it’s late Saturday afternoon, you’ve not started either of your weekly columns & you’ve got zero inspiration or motivation.” A friend replied, “Write about how amazing I am.” Yahtzee!
My friend was being silly, but she actually provided some much needed inspiration for which I, and probably my editor too, are deeply grateful. Friends come in a variety of packages, but they all make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better.
“Bestie” is a term we like to employ. We apply that label to one person who rises above everyone else in the friend realm. I don’t have a “bestie”. All of my friends are equally important, each one of them is unique, and their differences make every relationship valuable.
*Emily & Shelly are my lunch buddies. Both are co-workers with whom I have forged a relationship that we keep alive, via monthly lunches, despite working in different departments. No matter what kind of day I’m having, spending an hour with them always puts me in a better mood.
*Taina & Lori are my childhood friends. Neither time nor distance has diminished our 30 plus year bond. Taina never misses a holiday, birthday or special occasion. Lori has the uncanny ability to know exactly the right thing to say at the right time.  We live in different states, but when we are together, it’s as if time stood still.
*Ariel is my friend who is always up for an adventure whether it be hiking, kayaking, running, swimming, or attending a concert. All I have to do is name the place, and she is a willing partner in crime.
*Dailia is my, “Oh my gosh, I’m stressed, let’s meet for dinner somewhere that has cheap margaritas” friend. Being the smart professionals we are, we know our sanity depends on regularly scheduled monthly dates and we fight to keep those appointments.
My life is more robust thanks to each of these exceptional women. There are others as well, friends who I may not see or communicate with frequently but whose actions have said, “I’ll be there for you.”
So, to all of my friends, both far and wide, I would say, “Our time together is just never quite enough.” And special thanks to Emily, Shelly, Lori, Taina, Ariel and Dailia for knowing how crazy I am, but still being willing to be seen with me in public.
*All names changed to protect the not-so innocent.
Until Next Time,
Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”


Previous Comments:

Autumn Cotten: It’s good to have True friends in ur life!

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