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Local Cement Company Donates Scholarship Funds To BSEACD For Summer Camp Goers

Buda, Texas – Texas Lehigh Cement Company has donated its conservation credits and an additional $1,200 to support the 2019 Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Aquatic Science Adventure Camp Scholarship Program.

The conservation credit is an incentive to permit holders that pay an authorized groundwater fee for using less water.

Each year, the Aquifer District partners with its permittees to offer students several camp scholarships to the Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center’s Aquatic Sciences Adventure Camp in San Marcos. The program helps to expand the students’ groundwater knowledge through hands-on aquifer science and monitoring, aquatic biology, water chemistry and caving.

“Our commitment to provide low-cost cement products is fully aligned with our sustainability efforts. With this contribution, we are putting our dollars to work by ensuring young people’s awareness of the environment,” said Neil Hodgson, president of Texas Lehigh Cement Company.

“The Aquifer District is proud of our permittees’ conservation efforts and grateful for their support of the scholarship program. Each year, we are impressed by the students’ excitement about aquatic science and groundwater protection. This camp truly does make real science, real fun,” said Robin Gary, senior public information and education coordinator.

Interested students ages 9-15 must submit an application and 1-page essay/artwork entitled “Why I want to attend the Aquatic Science Adventure Camp!” The application and essay/artwork are due by Tuesday, March 26, 2019. For more information and details about the camp, please visit www.bseacd.org/scholarships.


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