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Main Street Program To Host Cottage Kitchen

Guests at the Cottage Kitchen are invited to get comfortable in period furniture, take in the history of the building, and enjoy a homemade meal alongside fellow neighbors and friends.

The City of San Marcos Main Street Program Advisory Board will host Cottage Kitchen on Friday, Jan. 12, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Charles S. Cock House Museum, 400 E. Hopkins.

Meal tickets will be sold at the door for $8, which includes the full entrée, tea, side salad, and dessert.

The meal will be chicken and dumplings featuring the legendary Main Street biscuits, which have been a tradition at Sights and Sounds of Christmas since 1987. A side salad will also be offered alongside the meal, all of which will be served by the Main Street Advisory Board and volunteers.

In addition to various homemade desserts, the highlighted dessert will be the Original Texas Main Street Cake created by Anice Read, who founded the Texas Main Street Program in 1981. This specially created chocolate cake has a long history of making an appearance at special Main Street celebrations across the state.

Guests at the Cottage Kitchen are invited to get comfortable in period furniture, take in the history of the building, and enjoy a homemade meal alongside fellow neighbors and friends. After lunch, guests can walk over to the Merriman Cabin for an open tour until 2 p.m.

Samantha Armbruster, the San Marcos Main Street Manager, said dining at the Cottage Kitchen is a magical experience because of its ability to take people back in time.

“Main Street looks forward to participating in this San Marcos tradition and helping the Heritage Association keep this Friday ritual and historic building alive and well,” Armbruster said. “We love this chance to eat and chat with neighbors, enjoy homemade desserts and talk about all of the wonderful things happening downtown.”

For more information, call the Main Street Program Office at 512.393.8430.


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