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Meet Your Hays County Commissioner Will Conley

Managing Editor, SM Corridor News
In the prettiest little banquet hall at Pecan Grove owned by Salt Lick BBQ, County Commissioner, Will Conley, and family welcomed campaign supporters from all walks of life across Texas to join in a casual evening of appreciation and community partnership on October 14th.
Attendance of 350 supporters included U.S. Congressman Roger Williams, Gary Job Corp’s Community Liaison and Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Randolph Goodman, Lon Shell Chief of Staff and Hays County Judge Andrew Cable to kick off the evening with the San Marcos Academy’s Color Guard honoring the flags, with local veteran and community volunteer Allan Coleman leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiances both state and national.
The picturesque hill country setting highlighted natural landscapes and resources of which Conley has diligently strived to preserve. White linen tablecloths white chairs and delicate lighting adorning the hall’s columns clearly represented a clean slate for a new term new as Hays County Commissioner.
Conley casually dressed in blue jeans, western boots, white button down and blazer was relaxed and humble with every guest as if you were welcomed to his home for a backyard BBQ.
The event was scheduled in the early evening from 6-8 pm, poetically suggesting the sunset of his current term and readiness upon the dawn of his hopeful next term to serve our beloved Hays County.
Will Conley, originally elected Hays County Commissioner in 2004, known to be the youngest commissioner the county has ever had. Since his election, he gained a reputation for accomplishing forward-thinking solutions for our county. Conley is well known for his intrepid agendas to improve county roads and public safety, enhancing parks, and conservation efforts.
Commissioner Conley is a board member of the Austin-San Antonio Inter-municipal Commuter Rail District and Capitol Area Council of Governments as well as the chair of the Capitol Area Regional Transportation Planning Organization, offering his innovative ideas for long-term solutions to Central Texas’ growing transportation needs. He has implemented unprecedented safety improvements to local roadways, new bypass and overpass construction, and transportation plans to prevent future traffic issues and further congestion.
Furthermore Will has been a leader on protecting Hays County’s water and natural resources which were thoroughly represented at the event with dozens of ‘Save Our Wells’ with materials displayed throughout the grounds of Pecan Grove.
Throughout his time in service, he has secured over $750,000 in federal grants to create the Hays County Habitat Conservation Plan located in Purgatory Creek, in addition to the $3 million allocated to create the Jacob’s Well Land Trust, and an additional $2 million for the Blue Hole Regional Park.
The Commissioner also fought for a much-needed pay raise for Hays County law enforcement officers and sponsored the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program to give officers much needed safety equipment they deserve all while lessening the tax burden on homeowners.
With so many accomplishments and contributions to our county it came as no surprise why Congressman Roger Williams spoke on Conley’s behalf quoting Churchill, Coolidge and former president George W. Bush stating, “Texas is great because Will Conley is serving” “Nobody is helping their country more than Will”.
Lon Shell, Chief of Staff for Hays County Judge Bert Cobb, followed the congressman’s comments introducing Conley to speak but not before lending his own remarks on the Commissioners strong work ethic, dedication to service, conscientious spending and commitment to Hays County.
Conley spent the better half of his speech respectfully thanking every guest in the room including the Roberts family, owners of the Salt Lick BBQ as well as acknowledging his own family and friends for their support and efforts throughout his career.
Having served for 12 years thus far, he did not leave out a single department from DPS, TXDOT, Parks & Rec departments, and Fire and law enforcement as he expressed his appreciations for their continued partnership in his efforts to strengthen Hays County and reduce spending, “You can’t do anything in government by yourself.”
“I would put up Hays County dollar for dollar, man for man against any other county in the state as the best county in Texas.” -Will Conley

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    1. Why Sam Brannon it is not….and you should know better. We don’t do that around here. But thanks for reading!


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