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National Director Of The Remembrance Project Speaks In SM

National Director Of The Remembrance Project Speaks In SM
Recently, the Co-Founder and National Director of The Remembrance Project & Stolen Lives Quilt Initiative, traveled from Houston to speak to the Hays County Republican Women in San Marcos.
Maria Espinoza-Lyng introduced the Club to the The Remembrance Project, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, that is dedicated to honoring and remembering Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens. One of the initiatives of TRP is called “The Stolen Lives Quilt”, which is a collection of 3-ft x 6-ft banners showing the faces and names of Americans who have lost their lives.
In 2012, Maria toured 25 states where she spoke to various Congressmen, Governors, Aides, and Grassroots organizations concerning the plight of the American families affected by crimes committed by illegal aliens. She has testified before the Texas State Affairs Committee, participated in national press conferences, a Night Watch as a member of the Texas Border Volunteers in Falfurrias, TX and traveled to the Texas, Arizona, New Mexico borders. Last May, she took two (2) families to meet with U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson.
She accompanied the mother and brother of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in their meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder.
‘I first met Maria at the Cool River Ranch in San Marcos at last year’s, Patriot Rally. I felt compelled to invite her to come back and speak to our ladies because securing the borders is such a priority this legislative session and she is experiencing firsthand one of the many impacts illegal immigration has on our Communities.’ said Naomi Narvaiz, President of the Club.
Maria and other Latinos have recently made national headlines with their new initiative, ‘America 1st’ Latinos’.

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