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OP-ED: Healthcare or health-care less?

By Angela Pereira, columist

Just so everyone knows, if you hear the hospital is full, ask the question:

Do you mean no more beds available OR no more manned beds are available?

I did and the answer is plenty of beds, not enough MANNED beds!

The shortage is not in space within the hospitals. It is a shortage in staffing because the healthcare system slits its own throat and won’t self correct to stop the bleeding because they are corporatized machines that only care about control and profit.

The nurses are being forced to do things they do not want to. They are being assaulted by crazy patients – good Lord, the “Code Gray” calls you hear.

The staff is not respected by the administration. They would rather pay travel nurses more than staff nurses (no benefits required). They want to staff with NPs and PAs instead of hiring medical doctors who have been through medical school and many years of training before being allowed to practice independently.

Communication has become piss poor between the “team” because it has become a sense of individuality rather than a team approach for care.

This is a division caused by the corporate system. Each person is expected to reduce expenditures at the cost of patient health. This is a very bad system for the patients.

Then throw in the Covid-BS mandates and those concerned and unwilling to get the unproven, rapidly put out vaccine got terminated, or, pressured so hard, they quit.

Your hospitals are not “FULL”. They are FULL of greed and stupidity. There are beds, but the administration’s poor management styles and bad decisions have created an UN-FULL staff. Even in the cafeteria.

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