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Peace Corps To Hold Information Session, Application Drive At Texas State

SAN MARCOS – The Peace Corps will host an application drive at Texas State University on March 3.

Peace Corps recruiters will be in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom noon to 4 PM.

Students interested in applying to serve after graduation will have an opportunity to ask questions about service, learn which programs best match their skills and gain valuable tips to guide them through the application process.

More than 256 Texas State alumni have served since the Peace Corps was founded in 1961.

Peace Corps volunteers live and work for 27-month terms of service in more than 60 nations, and receive a living stipend, extensive language and technical training, and financial benefits including eligibility for student loan forgiveness and graduate school fellowships after service.

Applicants have the option of choosing to serve where the need for their skills is greatest or applying directly to open programs in specific countries and regions.

Accepted applicants live with host families and receive three months of training before being assigned to a community in their country of service.

In addition to attending the event on March 3, interested students can contact recruiter Brendan Cavanagh at bcavanagh2@peacecorps.gov.

For more information, visit www.peacecorps.gov/events/20_vrs_nonprofit_txstate_20200303/.

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