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President Trauth Schedules Spring “Open Door” Sessions With Students

Texas State University President Denise Trauth has scheduled four Open Door sessions with students for the spring semester.
President Trauth and key administrators will meet with Texas State students 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, March 7 at a Student Government round table event in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. President Trauth will also meet with students 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, March 8 in LBJ Student Center room 3-8.1; 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 in LBJ Student Center room 3-8.1; and 2-3 p.m. Thursday, April 21 during the President’s Cat Chat on the 11th floor of the J.C. Kellam Building.
The president schedules Open Door sessions each semester. The sessions are designed to promote clear lines of communication between President Trauth and Texas State students. All students are invited to attend to discuss with the president issues and concerns relevant to university life. No appointments are necessary, except for the President’s Cat Chat, which requires advance registration at www.vpsa.txstate.edu/catchat.


For further information on the president’s open door sessions, contact the president’s office at (512) 245-2121.

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