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Protecting the Beauty of San Marcos

By Breona Blakemore
The beauty of San Marcos, Texas does not stop at the river; the people make an even larger contribution.
Recently, we have discovered one particular resident of San Marcos, whose company, R-Water, brings serious brains to the effort of protecting the beauty of our community and – with any luck – the rest of the world.
After seeing first-hand the negative impacts of prolonged exposure to chemicals on human health and the dramatic effects of chemical seepage into aquifers, Rayne Guest decided that it was definitely time for a revolution in how society approaches cleaning and disinfecting. In 2011, Guest founded R-Water, LLC with the purpose of providing a logical solution to help reduce dependence on harsh chemicals.
The company manufactures the TC-230, a patented technology for the electrochemical generation and dispensing of two nontoxic cleaning solutions. Using pure salt, water and electricity, the revolutionary machine produces a hospital-grade disinfectant (hypochlorous acid) and a degreaser/all-purpose cleaner (sodium hydroxide). The TC-230 is designed for use on a variety of facilities, from hospitals to food processing plants, and replaces the toxic chemicals currently used in cleaning and maintenance procedures.
For many facilities, procedures and practices for sanitizing, disinfecting and cleaning call for the use of harsh, harmful chemicals. These chemicals typically require a dwell time of ten minutes – more than ten times longer than the dwell time of R-Water’s solutions –  and while chemical cleaners have been proven to kill harmful pathogens, their effectiveness comes with steep compromises. Majority of the chemicals used in cleaning require extra steps that decrease efficiency, increase the amount of harmful chemicals introduced to water systems, and prolong workers’ exposure to toxic agents.
“What really drives me are the experiences I have heard from cleaning and janitorial staff. There are so many absolutely heartbreaking stories,” says Guest. “So many instances of respiratory problems. So many instances of infection due to long dwell times. I will never forget the story of one woman who was pregnant and informed by her physician that she had two options, continue being exposed to dangerous chemicals and potentially cause harm to her unborn child, or quit her job and only source of income.”
EPA and FDA approved, hypochlorous acid and sodium hydroxide offer a safe and ecological alternative to the toxic cleaners of the past that contain so many hazardous chemicals. The disinfectant solution produced by the TC-230 has been tested in an EPA approved laboratory and proven to yield 100% kill of the most common and harmful pathogens in less than one minute, while being safe for food contact surfaces. This same solution has been tested and proven to kill 99.82% of the Norovirus, one of the pathogens most difficult to kill, and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as testing protocol for disinfection efficacy against Ebola.
With E. coli contamination a recurring issue in food processing, the current prevalence of Staph infections, and incidents of Ebola infection only months behind us, facilities across a multitude of industries are actively looking for better ways to get ahead of outbreaks.
Now that the patent process and beta testing are complete, the company with humble beginnings in California, has grown and found a new home in San Marcos, TX where it plans to thrive in the coming years. “San Marcos was a natural fit for our operations. The people here are so passionate and proactive about protecting the health of residents and the area’s natural resources,” says Guest. “We are thrilled by the warm welcome and positive reception we have received thus far. We are looking forward to growing in the area and making the world a better place, one facility at a time.”

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