Public Notice: Republican Primary Voters In Precinct 330
Republican Party of Hays County Chairman, Russell Hayter, released the following public notice regarding an error on the 2020 Primary ballot.
There was an error on a Precinct Chair candidate’s name on the Republican Primary ballot in Hays County Precinct 330 which was brought to my attention on February 10, 2020.
I spoke to the candidate affected by the error, Eddie Warner, to apologize and assure him that it was an unintentional, unfortunate mistake.
He was agreeable to posting notice to inform voters in that precinct of his correct name. If he wins the election his name can be corrected at the time of the election canvass. I also spoke to the other candidate.
The last Precinct 330 chair race in 2016 resulted in 125 total votes being cast for that position.
The name Eddie Walker on the ballot for Republican Precinct 330 Chair should be Eddie Warner.
Russell Hayter
Hays County Republican Party
February 11, 2020