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Runaway Bull Wanders Away, Takes Tour Of Campus

A runaway bull wandered onto campus around 11 a.m. Wednesday before being captured by local police, animal control and cowboys.
The black bull appeared to weigh “several thousand pounds” and posed a potential threat to the public, said Jayme Blaschke, director of University News Service. No injuries to the bull or bystanders were reported.

“The bull seems to be in good spirits,” Blaschke said. “The bull did not seem to be particularly aggressive.”

University Police immediately responded after learning of the bull’s presence by securing parts of western campus and issuing an emergency alert via email to students, faculty and staff, Blaschke said.

The bull had left campus by 11:17 a.m., according to an emergency email alert.

The bull wandered into a greenbelt area near Hillcrest Drive before it was picked up by “cowboys” with a cattle trailer, Blaschke said.

University police does not yet know where the bull came from or how it got onto campus, Blaschke said.

The bull might have decided to take a campus tour because “Sewell Park is lovely this time of year,” Blaschke said.

Blaschke said the alert may have sounded funny but the danger was real. “It’s like we’re waiting for the punchline,” Blaschke said.
Jon Wilcox is a senior news reporter for the University Star where this story originally published, and reprinted here through a news partnership between the University Star and Corridor News.

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