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San Marcos City Council Confirms New Interim Chief Of Police

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council unanimously confirmed Bob Klett as the new interim chief and head of the San Marcos Police Department.

City Manager, Bert Lumbreras’s, appointed Klett as the interim police chief following some reorganization of the City Manager’s Office. Former Police Chief Chase Stapp was appointed as interim Director of Public Safety, effective September 3.

During the city council, Lumbreras’s noted the appointment wasn’t permanent, and the city council will need to confirm a permanent police chief in the future.

Klett has been with the San Marcos Police Department for over 29 years and has held every rank within the department. Before joining SMPD, Klett served as a police officer with Texas State University Police Department.

“I have full confidence in Chief Klett’s strong leadership, and I certainly believe that he is going to serve our community well,” Lumbreras said.

Council Member Lisa Prewitt thanked Stapp and Klett for their service.

“Chief Klett has been a dedicated member of our department and community,” Lumbreras said. “I have full confidence in Chief Klett’s strong leaderships, and I certainly believe that he’s going to serve our community well during this interim period.”

Klett said the department is still doing the research into the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program; however, if L.E.A.D. proves to be right for the San Marcos Community, he will support it 100 percent.

Lumbreras said the council should expect to see something regarding cite and release during their regular meeting on September 30.

The City Council will make the final decisions on how who will fill the new positions in the City Manager’s office and the police chief in the upcoming weeks. 

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