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San Marcos Electric Utility Celebrates Texas Arbor Day With Tree Giveaway

Trees will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis.

In celebration of Texas Arbor Day, the City of San Marcos Electric Utility will give away free trees to San Marcos electric utility customers on Friday, Nov. 3.


The trees will be distributed on a first come, first served basis at the San Marcos Library, located at 625 E Hopkins, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Customers must present a driver’s license with a San Marcos address along with a current San Marcos electric utility bill in order to claim their free tree.  


There will be several different types of trees to choose from, including anachaco orchid, Texas redbud, Texas mountain laurel, and Golden leadball.


All are native or adapted species that require very little supplemental water once established.  The saplings are in 5-gallon pots and range in size from 2-8 feet tall.  Each will come with planting and care instructions, and a tree watering bag.   


“It’s important to plant the right tree in the right place,” said Jan Klein, Conservation Coordinator for the City of San Marcos. “Smaller maturing trees, such as the varieties we are providing, are more suitable for planting near power lines or on smaller lots.  Large maturing trees can reduce summer cooling costs when planted on the south and west side of your home.”


Arbor Day activities 


The children’s library reading program that day will be about trees and display available tree resources for the public. Several civic organizations will also be participating in the Arbor Day celebration such as Keep San Marcos Beautiful, San Marcos Green Belt Alliance, and Spring Lake Garden Club.


Kelly Eby, Urban Forester for San Marcos will demonstrate tips for proper tree planting. “Fall and winter is the best time to begin planting trees in our area,” Eby said. “The weather is cooler, and it is our rainy season. Tree roots are still actively growing and give the tree a chance to establish before the stress and heat of the summer.” 


For more tree selection and planning tips visit www.texastreeplanting.tamu.edu.


Arbor Day is celebrated in Texas on the first Friday in November.


For more information about the tree give-away, please call 512.393.8310 or email jklein@sanmarcostx.gov.


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