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San Marcos High School Place First In Capitol BEST Robotics Competition

Congratulations to the robotics team from San Marcos High School for placing first in the Capitol BEST robotics competition in Austin on Saturday, October 24th. The students also earned an award for “Most Photogenic Design.” By winning, the team advances to the state regional event in Dallas, on November 13-14, 2015, where 60 of the top teams from Texas and New Mexico will  compete.


BEST (Boosting Engineering Science and Technology) is a non-profit organization that organizes a yearly engineering contest designed to inspire students towards further studies in the fields of science and engineering. Starting from a box of raw materials, middle school and high school teams of students are given six weeks to design, build, program, and then demonstrate a remote-controlled machine that will perform a given task. On contest day, teams pit their machines in a head-to-head sports-like competition to see which is BEST. Winners advance to the Texas BEST regional competition held each year at The University of Texas at Dallas. 

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