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San Marcos hosting Q & A for National Fair Housing Month

Staff Reports

April is National Fair Housing Month and the City of San Marcos is hosting a question and answer forum on April 21 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. with the Austin Tenants Council.

Topics of discussion include housing discrimination and the services and protections that are available to help tenants enforce their right to equal access to fair, decent, and safe housing.

The Austin Tenants Council fulfills thousands of requests each year for help with housing problems. Their programs focus on housing discrimination; tenant-landlord education and information; and housing repair and rehabilitation. The Austin Tenants Council’s mission is to ensure housing stability by rectifying Fair Housing Act violations and empowering tenants to exercise their rights through mediation, advocacy, and education.

You can attend in person or virtually. For more information and the Zoom link to join visit: sanmarcostx.gov/FairHousing.

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