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San Marcos hosts music friendly community workshop

The City of San Marcos Convention & Visitor Bureau will host an online Music Friendly Community Workshop Wednesday, Mar. 10, beginning at 6 p.m. The workshop is open to the public and is sponsored by the Texas Music Office. It will include a presentation about the state’s Music Friendly Community Program and a Q&A session with organizers.

The workshop is the first step toward receiving the official Music Friendly Communities designation from the Texas Music Office.

The certification would benefit musicians and fans, venue owners or operators, recording studios, promoters, and music stores by providing the City with a network for music industry development and fostering growth between the City and related non-profit organizations.

The City would join nearly two dozen communities across the state that have already received the Music Friendly Community designation including Austin, Bastrop, New Braunfels, and Waco.

Anyone interested in joining the workshop may visit: https://zoom.us/j/95993836075?pwd=VC9xUDZ6YTB3ZlYzNG93N1k5cWtrZz09&fbclid=IwAR0Kw6EpnT7C3CV5MT9eWr1HXKt-95VbitBvFOnFMWpkRz_JvrCX6FEG0jk#success.

For more information about the program contact Steven Anderson at sanderson@sanmarcostx.gov.

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