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San Marcos looking for community input in Vision SMTX virtual open house

Following the recent Virtual Community Workshop that kicked off the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan rewrite project, the City of San Marcos invites the public to participate in the Vision SMTX Virtual Open House.

The Virtual Open House allows community members to learn more about the Vision SMTX comprehensive plan process and gives them an opportunity to offer input that will help set the vision and goals for the future of San Marcos.

“While we wish we could join the community in-person, we are excited to host our first interactive open house virtually,” said Andrea Villalobos, Planning Manager. “We invite everyone to participate and share comments with us to ensure that we continue to strengthen a San Marcos that is active, inclusive, safe, vibrant, true to its character and reflects the desires of the community.”

The Virtual Open House is similar to a traditional open house with different stations, exhibits, and videos to explore. It is available 24/7 through March 19 in both English and Spanish and is accessible via computer or mobile device.

A physical take-home Open House toolkit is also available for pick-up from the Planning & Development Services Department. Community members who would prefer the physical take-home Open House toolkit should email planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or call 512.393.8230 to schedule a pick-up time.

To view the Virtual Open House, visit: https://openhouse.visionsmtx.com.

More details about the project are available at www.visionsmtx.com. For additional questions, please contact the Planning and Development Services Department at planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or 512.393.8230.

The City Council provided direction to rewrite the City’s current comprehensive plan, Vision San Marcos, originally adopted in 2013. This comprehensive plan rewrite project, known as Vision SMTX, will establish the goals and vision for the future of San Marcos for the next 20 years.

Vision SMTX will create a visionary document that guides long-term decision-making for key components such as housing, the environment, economic development, transportation, and land use.

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