San Marcos P&Z To Consider Final Plat, Qualified Watershed Protection Plan For Katerra
By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor
On Tuesday, the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will consider the approval of a final plat and a Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2 (WPP2) for Katerra San Marcos.
The subject property is located off of Hwy 80 near FM 1984 and is proposed to be platted as Lot 1 of the San Marcos Air, Rail and Truck Terminal project.
The Qualified Watershed Protection Plan is required because the property “reclaims water quality and buffer zones.” A drainage channel from the site extends through the 100-year flood plain.
According to the agenda, the proposed project meets the requirements of the Environmental Chapter of the Land Development Code. The proposed Water Quality BMP will remove 70 percent of the increased TSS and captures 1.25-inches of rain that is to be released over a period of 48-hours.
Staff is recommending approval of the Qualified WPP2 as it meets the requirements of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and “adequately mitigates for impacts to water quality and buffer zones.”
Commissioners will consider the Qualified WPP2 following a brief staff presentation and a public hearing.
Commissioners are also slated to consider the final plat for the approximately 81.83-acre lot where the Katerra project will be located, according to the agenda. The property was recently annexed into the City of San Marcos City limits and zoned heavy industrial.
According to the Developer of the SMART Terminal, Mike Schroeder, the lowest income for Katerra, Inc., is expected to be around $36,000 per year; the company will have a median employee income of $76,000 per year.
In other news, commissioners will hold two other public hearings. Following a presentation of the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Program, residents will have an opportunity to voice concerns and opinions.
Commissioners will also hold a public hearing regarding a request from Glenn Couch for a zoning change from Future Development to Light Industrial on behalf of San Marcos Warehouse, LLC.
San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will convene at 6 PM in the San Marcos City Hall Council Chambers.