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San Marcos To Dedicate Two Murals Next Week

The City of San Marcos will dedicate two murals next week, the latest in a series of public art works beautifying the City.


“Electric Jazz,” by artist Cody Seigmund, will be dedicated June 14 at Eddie Durham Park, 217 MLK Drive, at 9 a.m. The mural is on the City Finance building adjacent to the park.


The next mural dedication will be held June 16 at the former Hays County Justice Center, at the intersection of LBJ and MLK, at 9 a.m. This mural, by artist and Howard Payne University art professor Susan Harmon, was printed on vinyl panels and installed on the back of the building.


The San Marcos Mural Arts Program has funded murals at Children’s Park, Crook Park, Root Cellar Bakery, Hays County Justice Center, and Eddie Durham Park.


For more information about the program, contact Lisa Morris, Recreation Programs Manager, at lmorris@sanmarcostx.gov or call 512.393.8470.


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