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San Marcos To Host Open House For Sunset Acres Improvements

The City of San Marcos Engineering and Capital Improvements staff, along with engineering consultants from Allen Plummer Associates, will hold a neighborhood open house on proposed improvements to the Sunset Acres subdivision at the Owen Goodnight Middle School cafeteria, 1301 TX-123, at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, July 23.

During the open house, project exhibits will be on display and attendees will have the opportunity to provide comments. The public is encouraged to attend.

This neighborhood project includes drainage improvements to address localized flooding that occurs in the area, and water and wastewater utility improvements to a 12-inch waterline along Patricia Drive and a 6-inch wastewater line along Parkdale Drive.

Roadway improvements are proposed to address traffic flows on Broadway Street and other neighborhood road issues.

For more information, please contact enginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or call the Engineering and Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130.

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