San Marcos To Host Open House On Transportation Master Plan

City staff will provide information and seek public input on the proposed thoroughfare plan, bike infrastructure plan, greenways plan, and proposed Capital Improvements Project list.

The City’s Engineering Department will hold a Transportation Master Plan open house on Oct. 18, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 W Hopkins


City staff will provide information and seek public input on the proposed thoroughfare plan, bike infrastructure plan, greenways plan, and proposed Capital Improvements Project list.  Exhibits of the plans and cost estimates for the short term horizon (10 years) project list will be on display.


Staff will be on hand to discuss the progress of the plan so far, and answer questions about the costs estimates. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit comments on the plans.


The plans and the CIP project list will be finalized based on the comments received. The final Transportation Master Plan will be presented to the City Council for adoption in January 2018.


For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering/CIP Department at 512.393.8130 or visit


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