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San Marcos To Test School Zone Flashing Lights

The City of San Marcos Public Services Transportation Division staff will test school zone flashing signs in the morning and afternoon on Aug. 13 in preparation for the fall semester.

School zone speed limits will not be enforced during the test period. Once the test is complete, the signs will not be activated again until the first day of school on Aug. 26.

The Transportation Division will also inspect traffic signs within the school zones and restripe faded crosswalks and stop bars in school areas.

For more information, please contact the Transportation Division at 512.393.8036.

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One Comment

  1. How about getting rid of fake school zones, like the one on Posey Rd? There are no cross walks or any way for anyone to use such. There is also no school. Only a daycare. It makes those who drive this road inattentive to school zones.

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