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San Marcos Welcomes New Radio Station

  by, Vanessa Bell  


San Marcos’ new radio station 104.1 FM KZSM plans to heat up airwaves this summer.


Rob Roark, member of the KZSM board, has paired up with Griffin Spell, Parliamentarian of the San Marcos Texas Community Radio Association and local volunteers to introduce a new local radio station by next month.


“The radio station will be run for the community, by the community,” Roark said.


Roark said the radio station will have a variety of interests and music to target all of the San Marcos community, including new locals, students and permanent residents.


104.1 KZSM welcomes input from the community to provide a diverse station to properly represent the residents of San Marcos, according to Roark. He said they are moving rapidly to get on air as soon as possible.


“We want to get this going by the time everyone gets back into town for the fall,” Roark said.


Roark said KZSM will run by its “three E’s”: entertain, engage and enlighten in order to reach all of its goals.


“We want you knowing about what’s going on,” Roark said. “And want you to realize that you are part of a community and you can make a difference.”


Locals have volunteered to host their own shows for the station, sharing stories about the history and lifestyle of San Marcos. San Marcos resident Lauren Hoffman said she is preparing and excited to host her own unique segment for KZSM.


“Each month will have a different theme,” Hoffman said. “October is paranormal and November is kindness and friends.”


Rebecca Doll, Wimberley resident, will be hosting a nature themed segment Rainbow Flower Power Hour.


“It would be about how nature interacts with mankind,” Doll said. “It’s a local roots show but will be really global.”


KZSM will be a nonprofit radio station funded by sponsorships rather than playing advertisements, according to Roark.


The first fundraiser profited $4,000 and a GoFundMe account is soon on the way to help bring KZSM’s antenna up. 

This article originally published by the University Star.

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