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UPDATE & CORRECTION: See & Save Mill Race & Waterfall

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,


CORRECTION: The author reports that Michael Montagne, the US Fish & Wildlife official responsible here, has informed him that a National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) review of the plan to destroy Capes Dam is now underway: https://www.epa.gov/nepa/national-environmental-policy-act-review-process


The City of San Marcos has requested a permit from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) to destroy Capes Dam (weir) and use the material to block the entrance to Mill Race channel of the San Marcos River—ending the flow in this ¼ mile stretch of water that holds a population of federally protected Fountain Darter fish, and feeds a most beautiful waterfall and swimming hole that I have known and loved for more than 50 years.


To see this place, drive 1/4 mile east of I-35 on River Road, park on the right by the Woods apartments before the intersection with Cape Street, cross Cape Street and go toward the river past the old house and garage to the Thompson’s Islands historical marker, then stay toward the left and walk about 80 yards down to the waterfall. You can take a swim below the falls by crossing the little foot bridge above the waterfall and going down to the left to the bottom of Thompson’s Islands here in John J Stokes Jr City Park.


It’s not too late to save Mill Race and the waterfall. San Marcos residents, anyone who cares, can ask their elected representatives in the state legislature to demand impartial peer review of the “science” behind the City’s request and a full National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, as well as more balanced and public scrutiny of historical significance and recreational value—before TPWD grants a permit to ruin this precious place.*****


CORRECTION: The author reports that Michael Montagne, the US Fish & Wildlife official responsible here, has informed him that a National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) review of the plan to destroy Capes Dam is now underway: https://www.epa.gov/nepa/national-environmental-policy-act-review-process


Alfred Lee McAlister

Dripping Springs, Texas


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