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SM P&Z Commissioner Announces Candidacy For City Council Special Election

Staff Reports

Mark Gleason announced Wednesday, March 11, he will make another bid for San Marcos City Council in the upcoming special election.

On Monday, March 9, Councilmember place 5, Jocabed Marquez, tendered her resignation for her place 5 seat.

Dr. Marquez was elected to City Council in December 2018.

Gleason and his wife, Ruah, have owned a home in Blanco Gardens neighborhood for nearly 20 years.

He has served on the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission since March 2017.

“As Vice-Chair of Planning and Zoning, I’m asking for the opportunity to bring my proven record and unique vision to our City Council,” Gleason said. “With your support, we can work together to protect our community while enhancing opportunities for all of the people of San Marcos for generations to come.”

Gleason said as someone impacted by both 2015 floods, he knows firsthand how many residents have suffered and is committed to bringing critical flood mitigation projects across the finish line.

The special election has not officially been called yet. 

But the City of San Marcos said they are already making plans to fill the vacancy and will release more information on the special election when it is finalized. 

Per the Texas Constitution, a resigning council member continues to hold over the office until a successor is elected and sworn in.

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