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SMHS Student’s Movie Screening At International Film Festival

By: C.J. Odam, San Marcos High School Assistant Principal / Submitted: Iris Campbell, PIO
San Marcos High School senior, Kristie Chau, has earned a slot for her short film to be screened at the Boise Student International Video Festival. The event takes place March 27-28, 2015, at Boise State University.
Chau’s film will be screened alongside films from across the United States and ten other countries. According to their website, the festival exists to “showcase the talents of our youth in a forum in which they can show their art the way it was made to be seen.”
The short film was written, directed, and produced by Chau and will be entered in the Documentary category of the festival. It is titled, “Piaget,” and chronicles her comparison between psychologist Jean Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and the stages the filmmaker believes high school students progress through as they move through school.
“I’m excited that my movie is going to be seen by so many people,” Chau said. “I just wish I could be there to watch other people watch it.”
The film will also play here in San Marcos at the SMHS Senior Showcase, which takes place at the high school’s Performing Arts Center on April 9, 2015.
Chau is a member of the SMHS Debate Team and a finalist for the prestigious Terry Foundation Scholarship. She plans on attending the University of Texas in the fall of 2015.

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