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Take Survey To Help San Marcos Get National Recognition As A ‘Bicycle Friendly’ Community

Take Survey To Help San Marcos Get National Recognition As A ‘Bicycle Friendly’ Community…

The City of San Marcos has applied for recognition as a Bicycle Friendly Community, a nationally-recognized designation highlighting cities’ efforts to improve conditions for bicycling.

Residents are asked take a survey online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/app_BFC_FA18 and share their bicycling experiences in the City. The survey is open to anyone familiar with bicycling in the community and will remain open through Sunday, Sept. 23.

The Bicycle Friendly Community program is administered by the League of American Bicyclists and provides guidance to communities working to become more bikeable.

Bicycle Friendly Communities welcome bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation.

Making bicycling safe and convenient are keys to improving public health, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and improving quality of life.

For more information, contact Planning & Development Services at 512.393.8230.


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