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Tax Aid Volunteers Needed

It will be tax season before you know it, and the AARP Tax Aid program is looking for volunteers to help prepare income tax returns at the San Marcos Public Library. Volunteers will be asked to work at least four hours each week on Monday afternoons and Saturday mornings at the library during tax preparation season Feb. 1, 2016 through April 11, 2016.
If you would like to help provide this much-needed service call Powell Hinson, program coordinator, at 512.353.5862. Tax aid training starts Jan. 4, 2016 so don’t delay! Bi-weekly training sessions are held at the public library through January. Prior income tax experience is helpful but not necessary.
The AARP Income Tax Aid program has assisted low-income workers and the elderly in San Marcos for over 20 years. This free program is very popular in San Marcos and also provides free e-filing. Last year, over 1,200 people used the Tax Aid program to file their returns. Over 20 volunteers dedicated more than 1,600 hours to provide this much-needed service.

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